Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken?

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken

Key Takeaways

1. Freezing cooked chicken is safe and convenient, helping to reduce food waste and save money over time.

2. Ensure the chicken is fully cooled before freezing, divide it into meal-sized portions, and store it in airtight containers or freezer bags to maintain freshness and prevent freezer burn.

3. Whether roasted, grilled, poached, or sautéed, nearly any type of cooked chicken can be frozen, but thorough cooking is essential.

4. While frozen cooked chicken can remain safe for up to 6 months, proper handling and thawing methods are crucial to maintain food safety and quality. Avoid refreezing previously frozen cooked chicken and inspect it for signs of spoilage before consuming.

If you’ve ever found yourself with leftover chicken from a delicious roast dinner, bought chicken in bulk, or simply enjoy meal prepping, you may have wondered whether it’s safe to freeze cooked chicken and how to do it properly. In this guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of freezing cooked chicken, including different cuts, safe storage, defrosting methods, and much more. Plus, stick around until the end for some mouthwatering chicken recipes!

Guide to Frozen Chicken

Chicken is a beloved ingredient in many households due to its versatility, affordability, great taste, and health benefits. Whether you have leftover chicken or you’re planning meals for the week ahead, freezing cooked chicken is a fantastic way to ensure you always have a convenient source of protein without sacrificing flavor.

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken?

The short answer is yes, you can absolutely freeze cooked chicken, provided you follow the proper steps. If you’re dealing with bone-in chicken, like drumsticks or thighs, or even a whole chicken, start by removing the meat from the bones and shredding it. If you have boneless fillets, you can leave them intact.

Convenience is key when it comes to freezing cooked chicken, especially for those with busy schedules. Properly freezing leftover chicken not only reduces food waste but also saves you money over time.

What’s the Best Way to Store Cooked Chicken in the Freezer?

Make Sure It’s Fully Cool

Before placing your cooked chicken in the freezer, allow it to cool to room temperature. Rapid temperature changes can alter the meat’s texture and increase the risk of harmful bacteria growth.

Portion It Up

Divide your cooked chicken into smaller, meal-sized portions before freezing. This not only makes thawing and using the chicken more manageable but also ensures quicker and more even freezing, preserving its quality.

Place the Chicken in Suitable Containers

Seal the cooked chicken in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags to prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness. Removing excess air is essential for a longer shelf life and preserving both flavor and texture.

Label and Date the Containers

If you’ve purchased chicken in bulk, it’s crucial to label each container or bag with the freezing date and a brief description of the contents. This helps you keep track of how long the chicken has been in the freezer and ensures you use the oldest items first.

Can You Freeze Any Type of Cooked Chicken?

Yes, you can freeze nearly any kind of cooked chicken, whether it’s roasted, grilled, poached, or sautéed, as long as it’s thoroughly cooked. You can freeze various chicken cuts, from thighs and breasts to wings and drumsticks.

How Long Is Frozen Cooked Chicken Safe For?

When stored correctly in the freezer, cooked chicken remains safe to eat for up to 6 months. However, for the best quality, it’s recommended to consume frozen cooked chicken within 3 to 4 months. It’s important to note that freezing cooked chicken doesn’t eliminate bacteria but rather keeps them in a dormant state. Proper handling and thawing are essential to maintain food safety.

Can You Refreeze Previously Frozen Cooked Chicken?

Generally, it’s not advisable to refreeze cooked chicken that has been previously frozen. Each freeze-thaw cycle can potentially promote bacterial growth, so it’s best to use or repurpose leftover cooked chicken rather than refreezing it.

How to Defrost Cooked Chicken

Defrosting cooked chicken safely is crucial to maintain its flavor and texture while preventing bacterial growth. There are two recommended methods:

Defrosting in the Fridge

  1. Place the cooked chicken in an airtight container or seal it in a plastic bag to prevent cross-contamination and preserve quality.
  2. Put the sealed container or bag on a plate or tray in the fridge to catch any potential drips.
  3. Allow the chicken to thaw gradually, which may take several hours or even overnight, depending on the size and thickness of the pieces.

Defrosting in the Microwave

While not the preferred method, you can use the microwave for defrosting. Here’s a brief breakdown:

  1. Remove packaging and place the chicken in/on a microwave-safe container.
  2. Select the defrost option.
  3. Flip, rotate, or split the meat to ensure even defrosting.
  4. Cook the meat immediately after thawing.

Signs to Look for When Determining If Frozen Cooked Chicken Is Safe to Eat

Even though frozen cooked chicken can remain safe in the freezer for up to 6 months, it’s essential to inspect it after defrosting. Look for changes in color, signs of mold, or any sliminess and foul odors. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to discard the chicken.

How to Freeze Chicken

First, unwrap chicken from the store’s packaging. Supermarket packaging allows oxygen in, which keeps the meat’s color bright in the fridge but leads to freezer burn in the freezer, affecting texture and flavor.

Wrap portions separately in a double layer of plastic wrap and store in an airtight container or between freezer paper. Alternatively, use freezer bags and remove as much air as possible before sealing tightly. Don’t forget to label and date your packaging.

How Long Can You Freeze Chicken For?

  • Chicken mince: Up to 2 months
  • Chicken pieces: Up to 6 months
  • Whole chicken: Up to 12 months

How to Defrost Chicken

To safely defrost chicken, place it in the fridge for 24 hours. This gradual thawing helps maintain the chicken’s texture and taste. Avoid defrosting chicken at room temperature, as it can promote bacterial growth. If you choose to use the microwave, consult your user manual for specific instructions.

FAQs About Cooked Chicken

Can I Freeze a Cooked Chicken?

Yes, you can absolutely freeze cooked chicken. Freezing cooked chicken is a great way to preserve leftovers or prepare meals in advance. Just ensure the chicken is fully cooked before freezing, allow it to cool to room temperature, portion it into meal-sized portions, and store it in airtight containers or freezer bags. Properly frozen cooked chicken can remain safe to eat for up to 6 months when stored correctly in the freezer.

How Long Can I Freeze Cooked Chicken?

When stored properly in the freezer at 0°F (-18°C) or below, cooked chicken can remain safe to eat for up to 6 months. However, for the best quality, it’s recommended to consume frozen cooked chicken within 3 to 4 months. Beyond this time frame, the chicken may still be safe to eat, but it could experience a decline in flavor and texture due to freezer burn or other quality issues. Proper packaging and storage techniques, such as using airtight containers or freezer bags, are essential to maintain the chicken’s quality during freezing.

Can I Freeze Cooked Chicken Breast?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken breast. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Proper Preparation: Before freezing, ensure the cooked chicken breasts are fully cooled to room temperature. This helps maintain their texture and prevents rapid temperature changes that can lead to bacterial growth.
  2. Portioning: Divide the cooked chicken breasts into meal-sized portions before freezing. This not only makes it easier to thaw and use only what you need but also promotes quicker and more even freezing, preserving the quality of the meat.
  3. Storage: Place the portioned cooked chicken breasts in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags to prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness. Removing excess air from the containers or bags is essential for longer shelf life and preserving both flavor and texture.
  4. Labeling and Dating: It’s important to label each container or bag with the freezing date and a brief description of the contents. This helps you keep track of how long the chicken has been in the freezer and ensures you use the oldest items first.

By following these steps, you can safely freeze cooked chicken breasts for later use, providing a convenient source of protein for quick and easy meals.

Can I Freeze Cooked Chicken Meat?

Yes, you can absolutely freeze cooked chicken meat. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Preparation: Before freezing, ensure the cooked chicken meat has cooled down to room temperature. Rapidly cooling it can help maintain its texture and flavor.
  2. Portioning: Divide the cooked chicken meat into smaller portions. This not only makes it easier to thaw and use later but also facilitates faster and more even freezing, which helps preserve its quality.
  3. Storage: Place the portions of cooked chicken meat in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Removing excess air from the packaging helps prevent freezer burn and preserves the meat’s freshness.
  4. Labeling: Remember to label each container or bag with the freezing date and a brief description of the contents. This helps you keep track of how long the chicken meat has been in the freezer and ensures you use the oldest items first.

By following these steps, you can safely freeze cooked chicken meat for later use, whether it’s for quick weeknight dinners or meal prep.

Can I Freeze Cooked Chicken Wings?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken wings. Here’s how to do it properly:

  1. Cooling: Allow the cooked chicken wings to cool completely to room temperature before freezing. Rapid temperature changes can affect texture and promote bacterial growth.
  2. Portioning: Divide the cooked chicken wings into smaller, meal-sized portions if desired. This makes it easier to thaw and use only the amount you need without defrosting the entire batch.
  3. Packaging: Place the cooled chicken wings in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Removing excess air from the packaging helps prevent freezer burn and maintain the wings’ flavor and texture.
  4. Labeling: Label the containers or bags with the freezing date and a brief description of the contents. This helps you keep track of how long the wings have been in the freezer and ensures you use the oldest items first.

By following these steps, you can safely freeze cooked chicken wings for later use, whether for a quick snack or as part of a meal.

Can I Freeze a Cooked Chicken?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken. Freezing cooked chicken is a safe and convenient way to preserve leftovers or prepare meals in advance. Just make sure to follow proper storage procedures to maintain its quality and safety.

Can You Freeze Already Cooked Chicken?

Yes, you can freeze already cooked chicken. Freezing cooked chicken is a safe and convenient way to preserve it for future use. Properly stored cooked chicken can maintain its quality and flavor for several months in the freezer. Just ensure it is fully cooled before freezing, portioned into meal-sized portions, and stored in airtight containers or freezer bags to prevent freezer burn and maintain freshness.

Can I Freeze Cooked Chicken on the Bone?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken on the bone. However, it’s generally recommended to remove the meat from the bones before freezing for a few reasons:

  1. Faster Cooling: Removing the meat from the bones allows it to cool more quickly, reducing the risk of bacteria growth during the cooling process.
  2. Space Efficiency: Chicken meat without bones takes up less space in your freezer, allowing you to store more chicken or other items.
  3. Even Thawing: Boneless chicken tends to thaw more evenly compared to chicken on the bone, ensuring consistent texture and taste when reheated.
  4. Versatility: Boneless chicken is easier to portion and use in various recipes without the hassle of dealing with bones during meal preparation.

However, if you prefer to freeze cooked chicken on the bone, ensure it’s thoroughly cooked and cooled before freezing. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn and store it in an airtight container or freezer bag. Be aware that freezing chicken on the bone may affect thawing and reheating times.

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken Cutlets?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken cutlets. Here’s how to do it properly:

  1. Cool the Chicken Cutlets: Allow the cooked chicken cutlets to cool completely to room temperature before freezing. Rapid cooling helps maintain the texture and quality of the meat.
  2. Portioning: Divide the chicken cutlets into meal-sized portions. This makes it easier to thaw only the amount you need and reduces the risk of food waste.
  3. Wrap Properly: Individually wrap each portion of chicken cutlets tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. This helps prevent freezer burn and preserves the flavor and moisture of the chicken.
  4. Store in Airtight Containers: Place the wrapped chicken cutlets in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Make sure to remove as much air as possible from the bags before sealing to prevent freezer burn.
  5. Label and Date: Label each container or bag with the freezing date and a description of the contents. This helps you keep track of how long the chicken has been in the freezer and ensures you use the oldest items first.

By following these steps, you can safely freeze cooked chicken cutlets for later use, allowing you to enjoy them at your convenience while maintaining their quality.

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken Tenders?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken tenders. Here’s how:

  1. Cooling: Allow the cooked chicken tenders to cool to room temperature before freezing. Rapid temperature changes can affect the texture and quality of the meat.
  2. Packaging: Place the cooled chicken tenders in airtight freezer bags or containers. Removing excess air from the packaging helps prevent freezer burn and preserves the flavor and texture of the chicken.
  3. Labeling: Label the freezer bags or containers with the date of freezing. This helps you keep track of how long the chicken tenders have been in the freezer.
  4. Freezing: Place the packaged chicken tenders in the freezer. Make sure they are stored in a location where they won’t be crushed or damaged by other items.

When you’re ready to use the frozen cooked chicken tenders:

  1. Thawing: Thaw the chicken tenders in the refrigerator overnight or for several hours until completely thawed. This gradual thawing method helps maintain the quality of the meat.
  2. Reheating: Once thawed, you can reheat the chicken tenders in the microwave, oven, or skillet until heated through. Ensure they reach an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C) to ensure they are safe to eat.
  3. Enjoy: Once reheated, serve the chicken tenders as desired, whether as a standalone meal, in salads, sandwiches, wraps, or any other favorite dish.

Following these steps will help you safely freeze, thaw, and enjoy your cooked chicken tenders without compromising their quality.

Is It Ok to Freeze Cooked Chicken?

Yes, it is perfectly okay to freeze cooked chicken. In fact, freezing cooked chicken can be a convenient way to preserve leftovers, reduce food waste, and ensure you always have a quick source of protein on hand for future meals. Just make sure to follow proper storage and thawing procedures to maintain the quality and safety of the chicken.

Can You Freeze a Whole Cooked Chicken?

Yes, you can freeze a whole cooked chicken. Freezing a whole cooked chicken can be convenient, especially if you’ve prepared it for a large gathering or simply have leftovers from a meal. Here’s how you can freeze a whole cooked chicken:

  1. Cooling: Allow the cooked chicken to cool completely at room temperature before freezing. This prevents the chicken from sweating inside the packaging, which can lead to freezer burn.
  2. Packaging: Wrap the whole cooked chicken tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn and exposure to air. Alternatively, you can use airtight freezer bags or containers suitable for freezing.
  3. Labeling: Label the wrapped chicken with the freezing date to keep track of how long it has been in the freezer. This helps ensure you use it within the recommended time frame for best quality.
  4. Storage: Place the wrapped whole cooked chicken in the freezer. Try to lay it flat to save space and ensure even freezing. If space allows, you can also store it standing upright.
  5. Thawing: When you’re ready to use the frozen cooked chicken, transfer it to the refrigerator to thaw. Depending on the size of the chicken, thawing may take up to 24 hours or longer. Ensure it thaws completely before reheating or using in recipes.

Freezing a whole cooked chicken can be a convenient way to have a ready-to-eat meal on hand for busy days or unexpected guests. Just be sure to follow proper freezing and thawing procedures to maintain food safety and quality.

Can I Refreeze Previously Frozen Cooked Chicken?

Even with careful portioning, you may still have leftover cooked chicken. Can you refreeze it? The general rule of thumb is to cook, freeze, defrost, and reheat your food only once. It’s safer to consume leftover cooked chicken or find alternative uses rather than risk food poisoning.

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken Pot Pie?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken pot pie. Freezing chicken pot pie is a convenient way to preserve leftovers or prepare meals in advance. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Cool the Chicken Pot Pie: Allow the cooked chicken pot pie to cool completely at room temperature before freezing. Rapid cooling helps maintain the quality of the dish and prevents the formation of ice crystals.
  2. Portioning: If you’ve made a large chicken pot pie, consider portioning it into individual servings before freezing. This makes it easier to thaw and reheat only the amount you need.
  3. Wrap and Seal: Once cooled, tightly wrap the chicken pot pie in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn. Alternatively, transfer individual portions into freezer-safe containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Make sure to remove any excess air to prevent freezer burn.
  4. Labeling: Label each wrapped or sealed portion with the freezing date to keep track of how long it has been in the freezer. Also, write down any reheating instructions or notes if necessary.
  5. Freeze: Place the wrapped or sealed chicken pot pie portions in the freezer. Ensure they are placed on a flat surface for even freezing.

When you’re ready to enjoy the frozen chicken pot pie:

  1. Thaw: Thaw the frozen chicken pot pie overnight in the refrigerator or for a few hours at room temperature. Avoid thawing at room temperature for too long to prevent bacterial growth.
  2. Reheat: Once thawed, reheat the chicken pot pie in the oven until heated through. You can cover the pie with aluminum foil to prevent excessive browning if needed. Ensure that the internal temperature reaches at least 165°F (74°C) to ensure food safety.
  3. Serve: Once heated through, serve the chicken pot pie hot and enjoy!

By following these steps, you can safely freeze cooked chicken pot pie and enjoy it later with minimal effort.

Can You Freeze Cooked Chicken and Dumplings?

Yes, you can freeze cooked chicken and dumplings successfully. However, it’s essential to take some precautions to maintain the dish’s quality and ensure food safety. Firstly, allow the chicken and dumplings to cool completely before freezing to prevent rapid temperature changes that could compromise texture and taste. Once cooled, transfer the dish into airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, ensuring to remove excess air to prevent freezer burn.

Label the containers with the freezing date for easy tracking and use within recommended time frames. When you’re ready to enjoy the dish, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator and then reheat it gently on the stove or in the microwave until thoroughly heated. Properly stored and reheated, frozen cooked chicken and dumplings can retain their delicious flavor and comforting texture for several months, providing a convenient and satisfying meal option whenever needed.

How Can You Tell If Frozen Cooked Chicken Is Still Safe to Eat?

While frozen cooked chicken is generally safe when stored properly, it doesn’t guarantee its safety once thawed. Look for signs of spoilage, such as a change in color, visible mold, sliminess, or foul odors. If any of these signs are present, it’s best to dispose of the chicken.

What Is the Best Way to Freeze Cooked Chicken?

The best way to freeze cooked chicken is to follow a few key steps to ensure optimal preservation of flavor and texture. Firstly, allow the cooked chicken to cool completely at room temperature before freezing. Rapid temperature changes can compromise the quality of the meat. Once cooled, portion the chicken into meal-sized servings.

This not only makes it easier to thaw and use later but also promotes quicker and more even freezing, which helps maintain the chicken’s freshness. Next, wrap the portions tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn and preserve moisture. Then, place the wrapped portions in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, ensuring all excess air is removed before sealing.

Proper labeling with the freezing date and a brief description of the contents is essential for easy identification and rotation of stock. Finally, store the containers or bags in the coldest part of the freezer, maintaining a temperature of 0°F (-18°C) or below. By following these steps, you can effectively freeze cooked chicken while preserving its flavor and quality for future use.

What’s the Best Way to Use Frozen Cooked Chicken?

Take your frozen cooked chicken to the next level by incorporating it into delicious meals. After thawing, add the chicken to soups, stews, casseroles, or reheat chicken wings in an oven, air fryer, or Instant Pot.


Frozen cooked chicken is a valuable time-saver for quick weeknight meals. Knowing how to freeze cooked chicken safely can be incredibly convenient. Explore our collection of chicken recipes to discover how your thawed cooked chicken can elevate your dishes, especially on busy days!